3518 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR 97219
The French Quarter
WHAT TYPE OF BUSINESS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? We will consider any and all businesses except anything that directly competes with our current tenants.
WHAT IS THE RENT? Rent varies depending on the size of the boutique space
WHAT DOES THE RENT INCLUDE? Rent includes all electricity, water, heat and garbage. Rent also includes large indoor and outdoor seating areas plus 3 restrooms accessible to all customers.
WHAT ARE THE SIZES AND AVAILABILITY OF THE BOUTIQUE SPACES? Please go HERE to see a layout of the French Quarter.
HOW DO YOU CHOOSE A BUSINESS TO JOIN THE FRENCH QUARTER? Choosing a business is not based on a first come first served basis, we make the decision solely on what we feel would be a good fit for the French Quarter and Multnomah Village.
HOW DO I APPLY TO HAVE A MY BUSINESS AT THE FRENCH QUARTER? Please email the following information to multnomah.info@gmail.com. Any emails received missing the requested information will not be considered.
- Name of business
- Products sold
- All media links to your business (i.e. website, Facebook, Instagram). Please provide the actual link.
- In addition to the above list, feel free to include anything else you believe would be useful for us to have in regards to your food cart.